Human Blood
- Blood is a fluid connective tissue.
- Process of formation of human blood is called Hemopoises.
- The quantity of the blood in the human's body is 7% of the total weight.
- PH Value of blood is 7.4.
- There is an average of 5-6 litres of blood in human body.
- Blood is consist in two parts- Plasma and Blood Corpuscles.
- Blood Corpuscles is divided in three parts- Red Blood Corpuscles (RBC), White Blood Corpuscles and Blood Platelets.
➤Red Blood Corpuscles (RBC)
- RBC of a mammal is biconcave (Erythrocytes)
- There is no Nucleus in it. Exception: Camel and Lama.
- Its life span is from 20 days to 120 days.
- New RBC is formed in Red Bone Marrow.
- Liver is the grave of RBC.
- Human blood is red due to Hemoglobin.
- Normal range of hemoglobin found in an adult man is 17.5 gm/100 ml of blood.
➤White Blood Corpuscles (WBC)
- Its also called Leukocytes.
- Its life span is form 2 to 4 days.
- Nucleus is present in white blood corpuscles.
- The ratio of RBC to WBC is 600:1.
- Most WBC found in human blood is Neutrophils.
- Least WBC found in human blood is Beasophiles.
- Largest WBC found in human blood is Monocytes.
- Smallest WBC found in human blood is Lymphocytes.
- Increasing order of WBC is called Laucamia.
- Decreasing order of WBC is called Leucopimia.
➤Blood Platelets
- Its also called Thrombocytes.
- Its only found in the blood of human and other mammals.
- Its life span is from 3 to 5 days.
- There is no nucleus in it.
- Its main function is to help in clotting of blood.
- Increasing of platelets due to Thrombolastic.
- Colour of Plasma is Light Yellow.
- Yellow colour of plasma is due to Bilrubin.
- Cornea is the part of human body where blood is not found.
- According to numbers: RBC>Platelets>WBC.
- According to Size: WBC>Platelets>RBC.
- Colour of Cockroach's blood is white cause of Hymolimph.
- Cleaning process of blood is called Dialysis.
- Two metals (Iron & Gold) found in blood.
- Clots of Blood due to which vitamin: K
- Clots of Blood due to which elements: Calcium
- Clots of Blood due to which Protein: Fibrinogen.
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